
Secção para discussão sobre bandas que não se enquadrem no género Metal e associados.

Moderador: GoncaloBCunha

Regras do Fórum
Indiquem o género músical no título do tópico.
Não se envolvam em discussões sobre o género musical das bandas.

Melhor álbum:

Wisconsin Death Trip (1999)
Machine (2001)
Shadow Zone (2003)
Beneath... Between... Beyond (2004)
Sem votos
Start a War (2005)
Cannibal (2007)
Cult of Static (2009)
Total de votos: 26

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Last Light
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Re: Static-X

Mensagempor Last Light » terça jun 16, 2009 9:43 pm

eu tenho aqui uns vídeos dela bem engraçados. isto quando ela ainda não tinha plasticina nas chuchas

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Re: Static-X

Mensagempor Void » quarta jun 17, 2009 8:45 am

Gosto bastante desta banda, tomei conhecimento com o Machine e tentei logo adquirir o WDT.
Gosto destes dois.
O shadow zone é o albúm mais "leve" da banda, foi feito após aquele periodo que o wayne teve com o davis dos korn a compor a queen of the dammed e isso deve ter-lhe feito mal :lol:

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Re: Static-X

Mensagempor Jorgetime » domingo fev 21, 2010 2:59 pm

É sem sombra de dúvidas uma das minhas bandas favoritas e não estar na secção de bandas de Metal só porque o MA diz....(No entanto, a banda auto rotula-se com "evil disco" e quando os confrontam a dizer que são Indutrial Metal/nu metal eles dizem que são "mais industrial que outra coisa")

O meu preferido é o Cult Of Static, não sei muito bem explicar porque, deve ser por ser mais industrial. Mas são todos excelentes, só não conheço aquele com as cenas "raras".

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Re: Static-X

Mensagempor Jorgetime » quarta jul 28, 2010 10:52 pm

Recentemente houve uma novela que pode muito bem por fim aos Static-X.

"Let me give you a little background.

"STATIC-X has never been a band where the four guys get into a room together and jam and write songs and all that kind of stuff.

"Here's the way STATIC-X has always worked: I write all the songs by myself — totally and completely by myself — I give demos to the other guys, and then they add their parts to it, and then we argue about stuff and compromise and it turns out being STATIC-X. And so my whole idea was, [with the upcoming PIGHAMMER solo project] I just wanna do it by myself. I write everything myself anyway. So I'm recording everything myself — no compromising.

"This PIGHAMMER record is supposed to be a side project. And it just so happens that at the same time I'm recording this record, our contract was up with Warner Bros., so it's time for STATIC-X to re-sign. So Tony [Campos, STATIC-X bassist] dropped out [of the band]. So Tony's out and it's up to me if I wanna do another record as STATIC-X — with Koichi [Fukuda, guitar] or Nick [Oshiro, drums] or whoever I want to be in STATIC-X. But Tony's out of the picture for sure — he dropped out; he doesn't wanna do it anymore."

On Tony's reasons for leaving:

Wayne: "I haven't talked to him about it. He's been playing a lot of childish games over the last couple of years and dropping little lies here and there about me. Like, he said that I'm doing a record with my wife [former adult-film star Tera Wray] and that's why STATIC is on hold. And I was like, 'C'mon, dude. I'm doing a solo record.'

"I think he's jealous 'cause I have the hottest wife in the world. Honestly, that's what I really think.

"But anyway, that's the situation. I have not officially closed the coffin on STATIC-X. My plan was to do this solo record and then do another STATIC-X record. Tony decided he doesn't wanna do it anymore, so I'm not really sure where that puts things — if STATIC-X is still gonna be STATIC-X without him. I think it could be. Right now I'm just kind of focusing on getting my solo record done, which is absolutely awesome. It's some of the greatest stuff I've ever written. I'm going back and doing some singing, kind of like I did on [2003's] 'Shadow Zone', but it's still got all the full-on screaming that everyone likes, too. It's a little more electronic-sounding, kind of like [2001's] 'Machine' was — more keyboards and loops. And I'm really excited about it."

On being the sole creative force in STATIC-X:

Wayne: "I've always tried to keep the same guys in the band for our onstage chemistry, [but] in fact I've actually written and produced everything that the band has ever put out."

On whether STATIC-X will sign with a new label or re-sign with Warner Bros.:

Wayne: "I actually re-signed with Warner Bros. on my own. They've been really good to us and all the people over there are great; they love me and I love them. So I'm just sticking with them. So my solo record will be coming out on Warner as well." ... mID=141938

"The reason Tera [Wray, Wayne's wife, who is a former adult-film star] and I did most of the interviews by ourselves last year was because Tony refused to do any press or go to any signings or attend any band functions. He took himself out of the picture for his own reasons which I will not go into at this time. I did not push him aside, in fact I've worked harder than any of you could know to keep STATIC-X together. So that's why Tony was not present. Koichi doesn't do interviews and Will [Hunt, fill-in drummer for last STATIC-X tour] was not even part of the band. So that left me to do the interviews by myself. After a while I started keeping Tera with me because it was more fun that way.

"And by the way, I was joking about Tony being jealous of my wife.

"I know some of you want to blame Tera for breaking up the band, but it's not true. I was going to do this solo record either way eventually, and Tony was going to quit the band either way eventually. And I haven't actually said STATIC-X is broken up anyway, only that Tony quit." ... mID=142101

Bem espero que a banda não acabe, o Tony Campos era um dos membros mais carismáticos da banda, mas como o Wayne disse, "sou eu que faço tudo e depois mostro aos outros para verem o que acham". No entanto, também espero que o Pighammer (album a solo do Wayne Static) esteja á altura. Por acaso ele diz que se vai soar aos dois albuns que "menos adoro" dos Static-x, Machine e Shadow Zone, mas esse senhor só fez uma música abaixo da média, "So" :)
Última edição por Jorgetime em terça jun 26, 2012 5:47 pm, editado 1 vez no total.

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Re: Static-X

Mensagempor JVELHAGUARDA » segunda out 11, 2010 9:09 pm

escolha fácil 1º.

Virem cá era bem visto.

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Re: Static-X

Mensagempor abyssum » domingo jan 29, 2012 7:58 pm

JVELHAGUARDA Escreveu:escolha fácil 1º.


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Re: Static-X

Mensagempor Luis Pedro Coutinho » sábado nov 24, 2012 7:13 pm

Eis uma banda que eu apreciava bastante, mas que perdeu a piada.

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