Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

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Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor Zyklon » terça ago 14, 2012 11:49 am

Ao longo destes ultimos dois anos tenho mostrado aqui algumas bandas da segunda vaga do USBM que estão marcadamente ligadas a um nome.
Sanford Parker, motor criativo de Minsk e uma especie de guru com uma capacidade de transformar quase tudo em ouro.
O novo album de Nachtmystium não foge á regra e mesmo estando lá aquele pseudo ditador chamado Blake Judd este trabalho é um buraco negro que consume tudo á volta muito devido a produção e a forma como os temas são transformandos absorvendo uma estranha e por vezes surreal carga magnetica onde a negatividade se assume como uma faca fria a deslizar pelo nosso corpo.
De uma forma algo ferrugenta a banda consegue captar um vibrante efeito que vai um pouco para além do normal compendio do USBM embora sem sair muito do seu lugar..
Bastante mais extremo e demolidor em comparação com o lado mais retro-vanguardista que o projeto abraçou nos seus ultimos dois registos, Nachtmystium retoma aqui o seu lado mais venenoso muita vez lembrando as paranoias do INST:DCY se bem que aqui retocando-as á atualidade e transformando cada nota numa bizarra envolvencia que sinceramente não se esperaria muito, ainda mais sabendo-se dos problemas que afectaram a banda e o seu lider nos ultimos anos, podia-se esperar novamente um album com a mania do eu gosto imenso dos anos 70´s ou a banda pura e simplesmente perder-se no meio de um movimento que quer se queira ou não foram um dos principais impulsionadores.
Acredito (e numa opinião meramente pessoal) que este album vive muitissimo do luxuoso line-up que o gravou o album, é que aquele pessoal tem provas mais que dadas e aqui parece que foi so deixar as coisas fluirem pura e simplesmente, alias nalguns temas fica-se com uma estranha ideia que isto quase podia ser uma curta jam-session onde Lord Mantis, Avichi, Wolves se juntam a Nachtmystium para debaterem algumas boas ideias, a The Leper of Destitution é disso um bom exemplo.
Mas se o lado extremo está bem cravado neste Silencing Machine (brutal refrão no tema titulo já agora), não convem deixar de salientar que as tais influencias antigas exploradas nos ultimos albuns tambem ainda tem espaço aqui o que mesmo parecendo estranho conseguem dar um toque de quase relaxamento mental seja numa Borrowed Hope ou nas deliciosas e gelidas I Wait In Hell ou Decimation, Annihilation ambas com um andamento quase Black-Rock e uns fodidos efeitos sonoros que fazem bater o pezinho...já para não falar na inspiração Motorhead de uma Give Me The Grave.
Dito isto é mais que evidente que a banda sabe aquilo que quer e sabe sem qualquer duvida tocar no ponto G do atual movimento extremo resultando num daqueles albuns quase orgasmicos bem ao jeito de uns Cobalt ou Leviathan embora com as devidas distancias é certo mas se uns conseguem ser estupidamente criativos (Cobalt), outros assustadoramente dementes (Leviathan) os Nachtmystium limita-se a ser aqui uma maquina que transforma o silencio num sentido musical que tanto tem de estranho como de fascinante.

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor HFVM » terça ago 14, 2012 12:24 pm

Do melhor que ouvi este ano. Provavelmente dos álbuns que mais tem rodado por estes lados (a par do novo dos Baroness).

Já agora sou daqueles que adorou o "Assassins: Black Meddle, Part 1" e ficou semi desiludido com a segunda parte (não que fosse má mas não atingiu os níveis da primeira). Os registos anteriores apenas me despertaram uma leve curiosidade destacando-se claramente o Instant: Decay. Olho para este novo como um sucessor do I:D mas com mais qualidade. Acho que este álbum tem um feeling meio industrial que adoro.
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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor Zyklon » terça ago 14, 2012 12:31 pm

HFVM Escreveu:Olho para este novo como um sucessor do I:D mas com mais qualidade. Acho que este álbum tem um feeling meio industrial que adoro.


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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor abyssum » terça ago 14, 2012 5:22 pm

É um albúm bastante diversificado, mas o tema que mais se destacou pra mim foi o "And I Control You ".

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor Zyklon » domingo nov 03, 2013 9:20 am

Hello everyone. I'm home, alive and well. Much to certain peoples dismay, the last month wasn't that big of a deal and I actually did some serious soul searching and have made some amazing steps within my own mind on where I've been and where I'm going. It's no secret to any of you that I've dealt with serious substance abuse issues (breaking a leg and getting a four month supply of oxycodone from a doctor is where that began back in 2009...not by deciding one day "Hey, I want to be an opiate addict!") In regards to this issue, I've never tried to hide it, listen to the words in my music. It's obvious what I've been dealing with. Today, however, I'm clean as a whistle THANKS to this situation I've been dealing with and I'm SO incredibly grateful that this happened, as it's probably saved my life. As for the merch issues and money stuff, yeah, I've fucked up with a lot of you and for this I'm terribly sorry. When you're in the throes of addiction, you'll find yourself doing things that are completely out of character because you're enslaved by something more powerful than you at that point in time. I'm ashamed of whats happened regarding this as I've never wished to cheat anyone out of anything nor was it ever the intention, money just goes quick and ones priorities are completely fucked up when you're in the place that I've been in on and off over the last few years. The only thing I can do is to do my best to start clearing up each and every debt that I can as I can afford it over the next few months and hope that will clear my name on this matter with each of you who fell victim to this unfortunate set of circumstances. I'm leaving Chicago tomorrow and will not be coming back for quite some time. I'm choosing to spend the coming months with my family and getting additional treatment for my issues with substance abuse because this is the fucking bottom for me. I've hit it and hit it hard. I have no intentions of even attempting to play any shows or work on anything else music related until I've got my life 100% under control again. Actually, I'm not even sure if I will continue on with Nachtmystium, as it's been a catalyst for chaos in my life in its very existence and what it represents creatively. There is nothing 'fake' in the contents of my music, particularly on a lyrical level on the last few records. Those are the words of truth from my life. I don't hide anything, it's out there and it's real. So, if you've paid attention, none of this should come as a surprise, as much as I hate to say that. On a positive note however, I've had an amazing run with Nachtmystium and been to many places, seen many things, played a lot of great shows, met hundreds of or maybe even thousands of amazing people through it, had experiences that most musicians can only dream of having and I was fortunate enough to get to live out many of the dreams of my own that I've had since I was a small child in regards to playing in a successful and well known rock band. Most importantly I've made a lot of records that I'm very proud of that I know many of you (per your feedback to me) have enjoyed very much, and for that I'm so grateful. I can only hope that those records will serve your collections well for many years to come and be enjoyed time and time again. I have one more in the pipeline recorded last summer that will be out sometime early next year, appropriately titled (given the current climate of my life), "The World We Left Behind", and I feel that it may be the perfect epitaph to this wild ride I've been on with Nachtmystium for the last thirteen and a half years. The record tells a story and is easily the most honest work I've ever made, so with that being said, it may very well be the bands last record as it completes the circle for me, I feel. That could always change, but as of today, that's how I'm feeling about it. As for the shit-talking on forums and in comment threads on metal news sites and the childish moves of the people at Hells Headbangers with their attempt to further exploit this situation, I find it to be not only incredibly immature but also very embarrassing for them. I'm just thrilled to know that I have no association with this label or these other phantom internet people who speak about me as though they know me or have a fucking clue about who I am and how I live my life. In doing these things, they've only ensured to all be on a short list of people whom I will not be going out of my way to 'make good' with after such a ridiculous move on their part, regardless of what the issues between myself and them may be. That's the only time I'm ever even going to address that topic, as I will not waste my time on such ridiculous shit. Life's too short to be worried about things like this. Anyways - that's what I have to say for now. I'm fine, doing better than ever actually and I'm looking forward to getting out of Chicago for an indefinite amount of time and completely focusing on my life and not worrying about this band or anything else until I've completely regained control over the demons that have been haunting me for the last three years. To all of you who've left supportive messages over the last month, I truly appreciate it and thank and commend you for your public support of me during this time of trials and tribulations in my life. And now, I return to my silence. I will be back here sometime in the not too distant future to get back to work on my music when the time is right. Love and light to all of you who have stood by me. Your support nurtures me greatly and is appreciated on levels greater than you may know.

-Blake Judd

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor Mak » domingo nov 03, 2013 1:00 pm

Junkie talk, meh.

Mas agradar-me-ia imenso um novo trabalho de N., até porque este último não me convenceu :?

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor Dr.Pepper » segunda nov 04, 2013 3:45 am

As for the shit-talking on forums and in comment threads on metal news sites and the childish moves of the people at Hells Headbangers with their attempt to further exploit this situation, I find it to be not only incredibly immature but also very embarrassing for them. I'm just thrilled to know that I have no association with this label or these other phantom internet people who speak about me as though they know me or have a fucking clue about who I am and how I live my life. In doing these things, they've only ensured to all be on a short list of people whom I will not be going out of my way to 'make good' with after such a ridiculous move on their part, regardless of what the issues between myself and them may be. That's the only time I'm ever even going to address that topic, as I will not waste my time on such ridiculous shit. Life's too short to be worried about things like this.

A moral! Roubou essa gente e ainda se faz de vitima. Que lixo :lol:

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor prla » segunda nov 04, 2013 10:05 am

Este tipo é merda. O que ele escreveu agora é que me convenceu disso.

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor Zyklon » segunda nov 04, 2013 10:44 am

Já não é a primeira vez vez que isto acontece aqui há uns anos algum pessoal levou uma ripada monstra da Battle Kommand Records (que ele tinha), o gajo até pode estar a ser sincero e querer mudar porque sendo um viciado a coisa não deve ser propriamente facil, mas algumas atitudes que demonstrou ter ao longo dos ultimos anos são mesmo de pessoa que não vale muito não, ou então é a velha coisa do "vale tudo para arranjar produto"...

Espero que continue é a fazer musica porque nisso o gajo ainda vale a pena, alias mesmo com estas novelas todas, o album de Hate Meditation continua a ser para mim um dos grandes registos de BM de 2013...é que pessoas que não valem um caralho na vida e deixam ou fazem excelente musica é o que mais existe por ai..

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor pantufa » segunda nov 04, 2013 12:45 pm

'There is nothing 'fake' in the contents of my music, particularly on a lyrical level on the last few records. Those are the words of truth from my life.'

ahhhh, mas não foi o outro gajo que escreveu as letras (pelo menos do addicts)...?

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor Zyklon » segunda nov 04, 2013 10:33 pm

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Re: Nachtmystium-"Silencing Machine"

Mensagempor Vooder » segunda nov 04, 2013 11:08 pm

Grande banda. Dá-lhe carocho :beer:
VENDE-SE Enslaved/Ephel Duath/Agalloch/Therion/HateSphere e mais cenas

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