Metal News - 2025

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Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor Selvagem » quarta jan 22, 2025 9:59 pm

CRADLE OF FILTH Announces New Album, 'The Screaming Of The Valkyries', Shares New Single 'To Live Deliciously'

Grammy Award-nominated extreme metal institution CRADLE OF FILTH will release its 14th studio album, "The Screaming Of The Valkyries", on March 21, 2025 via Napalm Records. Available for pre-order now, the album excels as a succinct summation of the ghosts of CRADLE's past, while taking bold new steps into the future.
"..too old for this shit.."

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor Keeper » quinta jan 30, 2025 11:26 pm

Foi ontem, mas só agora eu lembrei de postar.

DARK ANGEL To Debut First New Music In More Than Three Decades During Los Angeles Concert

Reunited California thrash metal pioneers DARK ANGEL will play new music for the first time since 1991 during their January 29, 2025 concert at the Whisky A Go Go in West Hollywood, California.

This past July, DARK ANGEL officially entered the studio to begin recording its long-awaited new album. Two months earlier, DARK ANGEL drummer Gene Hoglan told Rocking With Jam Man that he had "been working diligently for the last couple of years on some projects that are gonna make DARK ANGEL fans really happy, I think. So, everybody, just sit tight," he said. "I just don't wanna nebulously announce something and then have circumstances beyond my control come along and make things delayed. I just wanna be able to be able to say, 'Yes, this is gonna be a solid date that we can announce for people, and we're gonna be able to stick to that date.' That's what I'm all about. So, keep your eyes and ears peeled, everybody."

Asked what it has been like making new DARK ANGEL music more than 30 years after the release of the band's last album, 1991's "Time Does Not Heal", Gene responded: "Well, that's one thing. It's like we had a choice. I had an entire DARK ANGEL album written that was ready to start getting recorded after the 'Time Does Not Heal' record, and circumstances occurred where the band just had to dissolve. So, I had a bunch of material written. And when [DARK ANGEL guitarist] Jim Durkin and myself — Jim is no longer with us, but when we put DARK ANGEL back together and we started talking about, like, 'What do we wanna do for the future? Do we wanna write some new material?' And 'I've got some ideas, Gene, and you probably have some ideas.' And I have a number of songs that I sent to Jim. And when Jim heard that — I sent it to him on a CD — he freaked out and he was, like, 'My God, here's our new album. This is gonna be our next record. Hell yeah.' And he got really excited about that material. But I was, like, 'Hey, Jim, tell you what. I feel really strongly about my writing chops, and the songs I'm hearing from you right now are crushing. So how about we just write new stuff, get together and start writing new material?' And so we kind of went that route."

He continued: "For my elements of what I wanted DARK ANGEL to sound like, Jim Durkin is a huge influence on my writing style. So I wanted this to have a lot of the Jim Durkin influence on it. In terms of riffs, there's not as many from Jim as we were hoping for, but Jim's entire presence is all over the new DARK ANGEL material that I've been working on. And he's a huge guitar influence on me, as well as a lot of people. So, there's definitely gonna be a pretty hardy Jim Durkin influence. And I just wanna write a kick-ass metal album. So what I've tried to do is not go back 35 years or 37 years or whatever, 'Darkness Descends' or even 'We Have Arrived', those early albums, or 'Leave Scars' or 'Time Does Not Heal', I've not tried to duplicate anything from any of those albums, but I tried to put myself in the mindset of what if DARK ANGEL just kept writing albums for the last 30-whatever years, 32, 33 years, where would we be at now? And so that has been my approach on the new DARK ANGEL material."

Durkin died on March 8, 2023 at the age of 58. An original member of DARK ANGEL, Durkin played on the band's first three albums — 1985's "We Have Arrived", 1986's "Darkness Descends" and 1989's "Leave Scars" — before departing the group in 1989. He was part of DARK ANGEL's lineup when the band reformed in 2013, and had been playing with them, on and off, ever since.

Prior to his death, Durkin had been sitting out some of DARK ANGEL's gigs. He was replaced at the shows by Hoglan's wife Laura Christine, who has since joined DARK ANGEL as a permanent member.

DARK ANGEL released two albums with Don Doty on vocals — the aforementioned "We Have Arrived" and "Darkness Descends" — before he exited the group and was replaced by Ron Rinehart (after a brief stint with Jim Drabos in 1987). The band issued two more studio LPs — "Leave Scars" and "Time Does Not Heal" — before calling it quits in 1992.

Hoglan previously talked about DARK ANGEL's upcoming LP in May 2023 in an interview with Friday 13th. He said at the time: "Jim and I, we had gotten together a number of times to write some new material for DARK ANGEL. And we weren't able to get it down on tape too much. If DARK ANGELhas any new material, there's a song that he's got on there that is pretty darn DARK ANGEL-esque.

"In tribute to Jim, DARK ANGEL's new material will have a ton of his spirit all over it — his feel. Whether he actually wrote stuff on the new stuff or not, his spirit is very there. His imprint is felt throughout thrash metal, I feel. Even before I was in DARK ANGEL, I'd see Jim's influence on bands. Absolutely. So his legacy will live forevermore in the realm of extreme metal. His style will always be a part of DARK ANGEL, absolutely, big time."

Asked how the next DARK ANGEL album will compare to the band's previous efforts, Hoglan said: "Well, I can't really even comment on the fact that there might or might not be an album yet. But put it this way — if I were to have any new DARK ANGEL material, I would want it to be an extension of where the band is at now and where I'm at now. And I would probably approach the writing of it in a way as if DARK ANGEL never disappeared for a decade, two decades, three decades, or whatever it's been. It's just like we just kept doing what we do, and this would be where we're at right now. Which I would want to be putting out the most savage, heaviest material that DARK ANGEL could. And I'm no slouch with writing psychotic, heavy material. So I would be very, very excited with where DARK ANGEL's new material would be if that would be able to confirm."

Fonte: ... 7fwE3Fgx-g
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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor GoncaloBCunha » sexta jan 31, 2025 2:05 am

Tenho alguma curiosidade de ouvir o que vira daí mas o que quero mesmo é ouvir o novo de Coroner. A ver se é mesmo em 2025 que sai.
CDs/Vinil para venda/troca AQUI [sempre actualizado]

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor Keeper » domingo fev 02, 2025 10:19 pm

Eu também tenho, quero ver se eles vão manter aquele estilo "sujo", menos polido do que da maioria das outras bandas de thrash. Coroner eu tentei ouvir mas não gostei. Não digo que é ruim, só acho técnico demais, não tem o "punch", agressividade necessária que bandas de thrash metal precisam ter, na minha opinião.
"There ain't no way to stop us
and you'll never kill our pride
'cause it's not only music
it's a chosen way of life!"

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor GoncaloBCunha » domingo fev 02, 2025 10:51 pm

Keeper Escreveu:Eu também tenho, quero ver se eles vão manter aquele estilo "sujo", menos polido do que da maioria das outras bandas de thrash. Coroner eu tentei ouvir mas não gostei. Não digo que é ruim, só acho técnico demais, não tem o "punch", agressividade necessária que bandas de thrash metal precisam ter, na minha opinião.

Sim, os Coroner nunca foram uma banda apenas Thrash. Sempre foram mais além, principalmente no Grin, que é simplesmente genial. :cheers:
CDs/Vinil para venda/troca AQUI [sempre actualizado]

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor abyssum » quarta fev 05, 2025 7:14 pm

O último concerto line up original

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor aetheria » quarta fev 05, 2025 9:14 pm

abyssum Escreveu:O último concerto line up original

:shock: eu até fui pesquisar se isso não seria fake. Damn!
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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor Liwyatan » quarta fev 05, 2025 9:40 pm

É mesmo qualquer coisa de extraordinário. Espero que filmem isso.

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor GoncaloBCunha » quarta fev 05, 2025 9:54 pm

aetheria Escreveu: :shock: eu até fui pesquisar se isso não seria fake. Damn!

Já tinha visto e fiz o mesmo! :lol: Porque esse dia vai ter algumas 96 horas, para que toda essa gente possa tocar. :mrgreen:
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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor Vooder » quinta fev 06, 2025 11:10 am

Um estádio não vai chegar para tanta procura. Isto merecia que fosse no parque tejo no palco do papa.
VENDE-SE Enslaved/Ephel Duath/Agalloch/Therion/HateSphere e mais cenas

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor GoncaloBCunha » quinta fev 06, 2025 11:59 am

E irá esgotar em 0,000001 segundos.
CDs/Vinil para venda/troca AQUI [sempre actualizado]

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor Zyklon » quinta fev 06, 2025 7:04 pm

Arranjem primeiro 5kg (pelo menos) de cocaina para o Ozzy, senão o homem não vai aguentar! Aliás o mais certo e fazer coros para essa malta convidada....malta que demonstra bem o sinal dos tempos :lol:

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor aetheria » sexta fev 07, 2025 3:38 pm

Vooder Escreveu: Isto merecia que fosse no parque tejo no palco do papa.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Só é tua a loucura Onde, com lucidez, te reconheças. Torga
A partir de um determinado ponto já não há retorno. É esse ponto que se tem que alcançar. Kafka

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor Zyklon » terça fev 11, 2025 5:42 pm

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Re: Metal News - 2025

Mensagempor Liwyatan » quarta fev 12, 2025 4:43 pm

Preços para o concerto de Ozzy/Black Sabbath:

In a message to fans in the waiting room, Ticketmaster said: “Tickets have been priced in advance by the tour ranging from £197.50 to £834 (including fees) with a per order handling fee of £2.75.

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